What is Web Presence OPTIMIZE?
How can I Use it to Increase My Presence on the Internet?

My Web Presence Optimized package is a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service which is a another way of saying that your website can be scanned easily by search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing and not only rank higher on Search Engine Results Pages (SERP's) but see a lot of web traffic as well.

This process is absolutely crucial for any website and you can bet that every major corporation is dumping big money into ensuring that people typing keywords related to their business into sites like Google will see their company name at the top of that list. If you want to get serious about using your website as a tool to reach new fans, customers, or readers, etc, then you need to spend some of your resources SEO.

An Optimized site contains just the right keywords, terms and phrases (and a few behind the scenes stuff) - in other words, the words people will type into Google and hopefully find your site. When someone searches for a particular keyword or phrase your web site will be listed more near to the top of the page as possible.

Search Engines use a program called spiders that crawl the internet in search of new and changing content. They look at text that is both on the site in the coding behind the scenes. You can have an awesome web design that is loaded with color, vibrant images, and exciting flash animations but at the same time, your site could be completely unreadable to search engine spiders.

How I can help you?

Let's say you're a stand-up comic, you will need more than just keywords focusing on Comedy, Stand-up Comedy, Stand-up Comic, and your name. Huge sites like Comedy Central, Funny-or-Die, Rooftop Comedy, etc have already saturated the market for the general comedy related keywords. The chances you are going take away traffic with those keywords is highly unlikely. What you need is to identify who you are as a comic - what your point of view is - and employ that as the micro-niche to your site.

For example, here are some things about me that I have in common with almost every other comedian's website and therefor, not ideal keywords:

  • I am a comedy writer
  • I have performed live stand-up comedy
  • I have clean material and not so clean material

These are categories that wouuld sort of narrow me down and kind of help my site fit into a niche within comedy, (stand-up comedy) but are not specific enough to draw any targeted traffic away from the top dogs.

Here is an example of getting more specific:
  • I married young
  • I have 4 kids
  • one of my kids has Autism
  • I'm a stay-at-home dad
  • I was raised by a mom who taught me and my sister that we have psychic powers.

Focusing on having content on your site that is related to stand-up comedy but also sets you apart from your competition is key. I do this by working with you to help you identify your point of view so that we can focus our efforts and maximize our results. Whether you are a stand-up comedian or not, makes no difference, the process is still the same for you. What is your micro-niche?

When you sign up for my Web Presence OPTIMIZE package, you will benefit greatly and some results will take place almost immediately.

  • Initial Site Analysis Report - determine how SEO friendly your site currently is
  • Identify your market position (micro-niche, point of view) - work with you to discover your unique point of view in stand-up comedy. How we will set you apart.
  • Keyword Research - identify key phrases and words to maximize your reach and get more traffic
  • Site Integration - add all necessary elements to your site
  • Monthly Optimization and Analysis + Link Building (optional) - analyze your web statistics on a monthly basis, provide you with reports along with recommended courses of action,  continue to submit your content to other high ranking sites, and build links.

Web Presence OPTIMIZED : $250

Save $$ when you subscribe to the Web Presence OPTIMIZE monthly option - just $150 per month!
