What is Social Media ENGAGE?
Why do I need this?

Do you know how to leverage your social media network to reach greater levels of success? You may have read this questions and thought, "I don't know if I have a social media network and I don't what 'leverage' means."

If you're on Twitter, Facebook, or Myspace then YES - you do have your very own social media network. The people you connect with on these sites (also tumblr, LinkedIn, StumbleUpon and a bunch others) are not just your fans, friends, family, or co-workers. They are your Network. To leverage your network is to USE them. Don't worry! Not in a bad way, but in a way that is both interactive and engaging for them and very beneficial for you and your site or brand.

So many people use Facebook status updates and Twitter updates as a way to only read up on what others are doing, or on the opposite spectrum, to only update with links to their own site or promotions for things they are working on. These sort of one-way methods make you an Anti-Social Networker! You need to engage and interact with people to maximize your results. I can teach you the methods and strategies you'll need to reach new levels of success by leveraging you social media network.

This is why I have developed a great new personal service that I call my Social Media ENGAGE Package Deal Offer of the Millenium, or S.M.E.P.D.O.M, or just Social Media ENGAGE. My personal Social Media Coaching package will benefit you in the following ways:

  • Increased traffic / subscribers
  • Improved search engine rankings
  • Strategic social media marketing
  • Increased reach on Twitter / Facebook
  • Increased social “word of mouth” and viral marketing
  • Development of a community
  • Create new fans
  • Engage with your network!

Still interested? Good, here is how it works. Before we get started, I will have you complete a brief "Starting Well" form - basically, to outline your goals, challenges you've faced, and what you are hoping to gain from using social media.

Once I receive this, I will have the following ready for you in just two weeks:

  1. A report assessing your current social media efforts with recommendations for improvements – based on your goals.
  2. A comparison of how you stack up against other competing sites.
  3. A personal call from me so that we can go over your sites together and I can walk you through your assesment and new strategy.

Looking for a better deal?

The Ultimate Social Media Guru Package

The Social Media ENGAGE package is fantastic. With it, you will get an excellent evaluation of your site, learn your strengths and weaknesses, and get personal help developing a strategy that you can use on your own to take action and leverage your social media network.

How valuable would it be for you to get the benefits of the Social Media ENGAGE package PLUS having your own personal Social Media Guru? With The Social Media GURU Package, you will receive:

  • monitor your brand/site's performance in social media
  • track growth
  • analyze information
  • and not only coach you through the completion of your strategy, but implent the actions for you myself.
  • Unlimited email support
  • weekly phone conference
  • Content recommendations
  • Increased traffic / subscribers
  • Improved search engine rankings
  • Strategic social media marketing
  • Increased reach on Twitter / Facebook
  • Increased social “word of mouth” and viral marketing
  • Development of a community
  • Create new fans
  • Engage with your network!

You can get the Social Media Guru package for all of your personal or company sites for  just $500 per month.


Social Media ENGAGE!

1 - 3 sites = $300

4 - 10 sites = $999

Number of Sites
Social Media GURU

$500 per month