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Welcome to Optimize and Engage!

Many people are great need of Search Engine Optimizing (SEO) or need help engaging with their customers or fans online while promoting themselves or their business (inbound marketing). The only problem, often times most people have no idea what to do about it.

This new site is not nearly complete, but you are seeing it now because the demand for my help was high and I didn't want to make anyone wait while I pretty things up around here. If you want to find out if I really have what it takes to help you get the most exposure for your website, brand, or personal image - just Google "Chase Roper" and you'll see that people searching that name will find pages and pages of what I have put out there.

I have two main categories. One to help you with search engine optimizing and another to help you leverage your social media network. Check them out!

Web Presence OPTIMIZE!                    Social Media ENGAGE!